What Mark Dever CAN and CANNOT Live With as a Pastor
Mark Dever has put together a list of “What I CAN and CANNOT Live With as a Pastor," over at the 9marks blog. You may be surprised by some of his evaluations. Here is a preview to wet your appetite:
“Let me throw out a bunch of different examples that are relevant to my particular situation: organs, female elders, universalism, altar calls, humor, multi-site campuses, drums, the KJV, stained glass, racism, infant baptism, no formal membership, sermons limited to 10 minutes, large and high pulpits, TV studio-like acoustics. My goal in what follows is not to give you a sacrosanct playbook, but to illustrate how I go about thinking through practical matters.”
This post is worth the short time it will take to read, because it will force you to think through these issues. Also, I was very surprised that he put both female elders and no formal membership in his CAN list. He does make some clarifications regarding those and almost every other issue on either list, so you will have to read the post to get his full opinion.
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