Gospel Coalition Media
If you are like me and missed both getting to attend the conference and tuning in to the live webcast, the audio and video content from The Gospel Coalition 2009 National Conference has been made available.
Here are the direct links to each session:
Plenary Sessions
- Tim Keller: The Grand Demythologizer: The Gospel and Idolatry
- John Piper: Feed the Flame of God's Gift: Unashamed Courage in the Gospel
- Phil Ryken: The Pattern of Sound Words
- Mark Driscoll: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
- K. Edward Copeland: Shadowlands: Pitfalls and Parodies of Gospel-Centered Ministry
- Bryan Chapell: Preach the Word!
- Ajith Fernando: Gospel-Faithful Mission in the New Christendom
- Panel Discussion: Tim Keller, John Piper, Ligon Duncan and Crawford Loritts
- Ligon Duncan: Finishing Well
- Don Carson: That By All Means I Might Win Some: Faithfulness and Flexibility in Gospel Proclamation
- Buster Brown: Preaching in a Christianized Culture
- Graham Cole: Homosexuality and the Bible: Texts, Hermeneutics, and Pastoral Wisdom
- Joshua Harris: Ministering in a Church-Hopping Society
- C.J. Mahaney: The Pastor’s Charge
A note of thanks to the guys at Resurgence, because I stole this formating from them.
They have all, but three of the workshops online now.
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