Saddleback Silliness
I know that Rick Warren is an easy target, and, “No”, I do not think he is an antichrist. Nonetheless, I have to mention his latest stunt. He is trying to recreate Pentecost. Many of you may say, “That would be awesome.” Indeed, it is great when God chooses to work in such an obvious and dramatic fashion. However, we are not supposed to try to mimic the outpouring of God’s Spirit. As Paul stated in his letter to the church in Rome, “It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy” (Rom. 9:16).
Tim Challies has appropriately labeled this event as “Saddleback Silliness.” Here is Rick Warren's invitation to the congregation at Saddleback:
Two thousand years ago - the Day of Pentecost was the first day of the Christian Church. Acts 2:41 tells us, "About 3,000 people were baptized and joined the church that day." If you'll join us this weekend, history could be repeated at Saddleback! Want to make history?Which of these requirements do you need to complete this Saturday?1. Open your heart to Jesus Christ.2. Attend Class 101: Discovering Your Church Family.3. Sign our membership covenant (explained in class).4. Be baptized the way Jesus commanded and modeled for us.YOU CAN FINISH ALL 4 REQUIREMENTS IN ONE DAY - THIS SATURDAY!EIGHT REASONS TO JOIN THIS SATURDAY & NOT PROCRASTINATE:
- I'm personally teaching Class 101 for the first time in ten years.
- I'm personally baptizing after Class and you'll receive a photo & baptism certificate.
- You'll get a free one year subscription to Purpose Driven Connection magazine. (Never offered before)
- You'll get free copy of The Purpose Driven Church book.
- Your name will be included in the historical list of Saddleback Pioneer Members who joined in our first 30 years. (This Easter is our 30th Easter and I want you included in this list.)
- The class is 1 hour shorter than normal.You can watch session 3 here online now.
- You'll be a part of making Christian history! The largest membership class ever!
- We love you and want you in our family. There is no good reason to procrastinate.
I could be wrong, but I thought Jesus told his disciples to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20). I cannot find the place in Scripture where Jesus says to have a big breakfast and have your picture taken while swimming with Rick Warren. I think silliness is the kindest adjective we could ascribe to this latest stunt.
I wish that at least one of the eight reasons would have mentioned something about Jesus, the Gospel, Forgiveness, Atonement, or something that has to do with salvation. You may not understand the Gospel, but you can still have a picture of you being dunked by Rick. Also, I'm not even going to begin discussing Saddleback's "requirements" that you can get done in one day.
I should have attended this event; I could have put that picture in my office beside the pictures of me with Mickey Mouse and me with Darth Vader. Then, when Jesus asks me why I should be admitted to Heaven, I can pull out all three pictures and my fancy baptism certificate.
Please remember, Christianity is about Jesus. We are justified because of Jesus’ atoning work. We exist to glorify Jesus. We are baptized to symbolize Jesus’ death and resurrection, as well as our new birth. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, and, again I say, Jesus. If we put the focus on anything else, then we are practicing idolatry.
That is silly. I'm thinking about going to Rick's Pentecost and getting rebaptized so i can get a certificate.
because HE is teaching it and HE is baptizing and i get HIS certificate.
wow..... asinine.
It's fundamentally a ploy to get people. do we see a compromise of the word of God in this ploy ? I think so.
If the new birth doesn't make us love God's church and commandments, without having rick warren give us a certificate, then maybe the new birth isn't real in our lives.
I hope his motives are pure.
"Want to make history?" That is definately the American dream, right?
I'll get my name in the Book of World Records with this.
I have yet to find any gimmicks or gatherings in the Bible whose main pull was "let's make history together" I have seen many gatherings and gimmicks in America to set records and make history though...
Oh, and after I help make history with Rick, I think I'll go next door to the Hot Dog eating contest to see if I can make history there too.
I heard that Peter won the hotdog eating contest at the original Pentecost. I think that is how they decided who would preach.
Here is some follow-up regarding this story that a friend sent me. It was published in a local newspaper:
Dorothy De Mare, 62, from Petaluma flew down just to be baptized again. "I heard Pastor Warren speak, and he invited everyone to be baptized," she said. "I decided to come back down because it was a lovely invitation. My brother reminded me that Christians need to be re-baptized as adults, the way Jesus was baptized."
This is the kind of junk that comes from false preachers like Rick Warren. It's not just silly it's plain out deceptive and damning. Rick Warren is devoted to and living out his philosophy (not theology) of ecclesiology - causing the church to die as a church (which is what the Lord established) and to be reborn as a mission (man-centered nonsense) - see here.
Also check this out when you get a chance.
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