Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals
While I was working on a project this weekend, I had to cite an older issue of Christianity Today. One of the features in that issue is a list of the "Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals," according to Christianity Today. I remember reading this list several years ago and being surprised, and I was surprised all over again when I reviewed this list again. Here are the top 20 from that list:
20. A Wrinkle In Time
Madeleine L'Engle
19. The Cost of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
18. The Divine Conspiracy
Dallas Willard
17. What's So Amazing About Grace?
Philip Yancey
16. Basic Christianity
John Stott
15. The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism
F. H. Henry
14. Let Justice Roll Down
John M. Perkins
13. Evidence That Demands a Verdict
Josh McDowell
12. Power Evangelism
John Wimber with Kevin Springer
11. Celebration of Discipline
Richard J. Foster
10. Evangelism Explosion
D. James Kennedy
9. Through Gates of Splendor
Elisabeth Elliot
8. Managing Your Time
Ted W. Engstrom
7. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger
Ronald J. Sider
6. The Living Bible
Kenneth N. Taylor
5. Knowing God
J. I. Packer
4. The God Who Is There
Francis A. Schaeffer
3. Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis
2. Understanding Church Growth
Donald Anderson McGavran
1. Learning Conversational Prayer
Rosalind Rinker
Keep in mind that this list was created in 2006, so nothing recent would have been considered. Nonetheless, I am confused by this list. I would have guessed only about half of these top 20 titles (3-5, 16, and 19 were definitely in my top top 20). At first, I thought the list was just wrong, but then I saw such names as J. I. Packer and Al Mohler on the list of nominators.
I am wondering if this list is actually accurate, and I am just that far outside the norm for evangelical Christians? Or, I am I closer to the norm and the editors of Christianity Today were confused? What do you think? Check out the entire list HERE.
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