Who's Your Pastor?
Every single church member needs to read THIS ARTICLE by Dan Phillips. He makes a great point that every Christian needs to hear, especially those of us who read books and listen to podcasts (which should be every Christian, but that is another discussion).
I have learned so much from John Piper, D.A. Carson, Tim Keller, Al Mohler, Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, and many others, but none of these men are my pastor. I don't attend Bethlehem Baptist or Mars Hill. These men don't know me or my family. These men don't have to be annoyed by me on a weekly basis.
It isn't fair to my pastor if I compare him with these men I have only heard or read, and it certainly isn't loving or gracious. There are many of us who need to listen to this warning concerning "paper pastors." It was a reminder to me that I need to love, serve, and protect my pastor, not compare him to these well known preachers and teachers.
If, while you read this post, you were thinking, "but, my pastor is terrible," then you need to repent for sure. Also, if your assessment is accurate, then you may need to find another church. Either way, begin with repentance. Then, either help your pastor to improve by trying to humbly assist him or find another church. Staying at a church and being a malcontent isn't good for anyone, and it is a terrible representation the gospel.
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