Driscoll's Sermon this week: 2 Peter 1:5-15
Here are some of his points that I needed to hear:
- Busyness doesn't equal fruitfulness. Don't fool yourself into thinking that just because you are busy, that you are fruitful.
- Information doesn't necessarily equal transformation. Information + Obedience = Transformation; however, information without obedience just leads to pride.
- It is foolish to continue to soak up more information without acting on the information that you already have. Do something! (James 1:22)
- Stop waiting for the great book, sermon, or conference that is going to change your life. If you're regenerated, then God has already changed your life. Go do the things you should be doing (2 Peter 1:5-15).
- Stop talking about, praying about, planning to, and looking forward to doing something. You're gonna be dead before you ever move forward in obedience.
Now, I just need to go do something about what I heard.
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