Driscoll on Athanasius
Over at the Resurgence, Driscoll has begun posting what appears to be a series of posts which briefly discuss some the great church leaders throughout history. He appropriately posted about Saint Patrick today, or actually yesterday now. He also posted about Augustine and Athanasius, two of the greatest theologians of the early church. Here is a link to his post on Athanasius. I am linking to that post, because he is my favorite Early Church Father.
If you don't understand how anyone could be such a huge fan of this lesser known figure in church history (less known than Luther, Calvin, or Augustine), then you obviously haven't read On the Incarnation. Do yourself a favor, download this writing from Google books and set aside several hours to work through it. This work will change your life. If you want more information about Athanasius, then check out Desiring God. Piper has a great audio resource on the life and ministry of Athansius, and he also has a book, Contending For Our All, which discusses the impact of this great theologian.
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