
Do your Christian friends drink? Should they?

If you enjoy laughing, then check out this post discussing how to find out if another Christian drinks or not.  If you don't enjoy laughing, then I have nothing else to say to you. Seriously. Stop reading, turn off your computer, and go into the other room.

Now, for those of you who enjoy laughing, here are a few quotes from the post.  I would have just copied the entire post and pretended that it was mine, but that would have been dishonest (and it is too long).

I don't have all the right answers. I wish I did, because I would grind them up and make a spray called "Cool Answer Cologne." Then when your friend was confused about something you could just squirt them in the face until they understood.


There are people that will leg drop you if they find out you drink. People that will say things like, "I really think all the bad things that happened to you are God punishing you for starting to drink wine." (Real quote from a friend)


One of my favorite places on the planet is the Garage Cafe & Bar in Birmingham, Alabama. Tell a story about a place you've visited and see if the first reaction is, "A bar? You went to a bar? Do you think you'll get a fold out couch bed in hell or a bunk bed when you go?"

I thought I would try to use this as an opportunity to invite discussion about drinking as a Christian. If I drink a few beers or a glass of wine, do I have a cot reserved for me in Hell, or am I just joining the Apostle Paul at the bar? 


Anonymous,  March 28, 2009 at 5:16 PM  

i think god left you a postcard on my blog regarding this issue.


Ben April 9, 2009 at 11:21 AM  

Phi Slam! A Christian fraternity at UGA that says no to alcohol b/c they are better than everyone else...

http://phislam.com/ - go under media and check it out...enjoy haha

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