Emergent and Sour
A friend of mine recently wrote:
When I find out someone is emergent, it's like finding out someones favorite band is nickelback.ANDThe emergent church is like sour milk...on the outside it looks good but once you get a taste of the inside you realize you just messed up!
I don't think I could say it any better myself. The emergent church movement really is a peculiar thing; it reminds me of your best friend's younger brother... it is so easy to pick on and make fun of, and all it does in return is whine and cry.
In all fairness, the emergent movement was started due to some valid complaints with the Christian culture created by the boomer generation. We can definitely learn some things from these men; however, since the movement was founded on complaints with the norm, I wish they would be more attentive to the complaints other Christian leaders and pastors are have with the culture the emergent movement is creating.
I will have to frame these!
Yeah, these would make nice little plaques for my wall.
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