What is Total Church?
I have begun reading Total Church and will hopefully have a review of this book by the end of the week. This book has been highly recommended by many pastors and leaders, including Mark Driscoll and the other guys at Resurgence and Acts 29. However, since this book has such a vague title that could easily be confused with one of the other ______ Church books that have been published over the past few years, I am posting a quote from the Introduction to inform potential readers of the premise and purpose of this book:
This book argues that two key principles should shape the way we "do church": gospel and community. Christians are called to a dual fidelity: fidelity to the core content of the gospel and fidelity to the primary context of a believing community. Whether we are thinking about evangelism, social involvement, pastoral care, apologetics, discipleship, or teaching, the content is consistently the Christian gospel, and the context is consistently the Christian community. What we do is always defined by the gospel, and the context is always our belonging in the church. Our identity as Christians is defined by the gospel and community.
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