Small Groups???
Small groups are one of the biggest church fads of the past ten years. Here are 5 Potential problems with church small groups: I stole this list from a recent post at TheResurgence; however, I definitely concur. I think most small groups struggle with one or most of these sins. I have always wondered why the craziest people in a room are the most vocal, why the most sain are quietest, and why I always talk so much. Personally, I think #5 is the greatest sin when it comes to small groups. Also, this list got me thinking about problems I have seen in small groups and church community in general. Nonetheless, I think the biggest problem is that while thinking, the phrase church community even entered (or exited) my brain. Church community is redundant; the church is by its establishment and nature a community. Without community, you do not have a local church. And I don’t mean “community” as North American culture defines community; rather, I am referring to the definition of community that is assumed throughout the New Testament. I think we could all use a little more time reading and rereading the book of Acts. How would Luke have defined community? Or church? Furthermore, are small groups primarily an attempt to recreate one of the defining characteristics of “church” that we have spent decades removing? I’m currently searching for answers to all of these questions1. They become a gossip group.
2. They become a one-man show.
3. They become a place to complain about the church.
4. They become a place for crazy people to take over.
5. They become an end in themselves.
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